How does our motorcycle insurance comparison work?
Motorcycle insurance comparison makes it easier for you to find the best motorcycle insurance provider in NZ suited to your needs.
NZ has a wide variety of motorcycle insurance providers, so it can be slightly confusing at first to know which one will best cater to your needs. Getting the right motorcycle bike insurance is essential, whether you’re out on the road every weekend or you only use your motorcycle occasionally.
We help people like you everyday
Glimp makes it simple for you to choose the best motorcycle insurance provider in NZ. Our motorcycle insurance online comparison services are free and convenient to use.
Motorcycle Insurance in NZ
Glimp helps you to compare, switch, and save! There’s a range of motorcycle insurance policies on offer, from comprehensive motorcycle insurance to temporary motorcycle insurance. We provide the need-to-know details on all the different coverages and offers to help you decide on the best option.
If you feel the need to switch from your current motorcycle insurance provider, we can assist you to find a better deal. You can save time and money by looking for the best motorcycle insurance provider in NZ with us at glimp!
How does our motorcycle insurance comparison work?
You can start saving in no time with Glimp! Our comparison services let you skip the hassles of looking through individual provider websites. Simply tell us about the coverage that you need - from motorbike protection to accidental damages - and we will provide you with your best options.
Quick and easy to use
Did you know that you can spend hours trying to find the best motorcycle insurance NZ provider to suit your needs? By using our comparison services, you’ll save both time and money. We get the essential information on motorcycle bike insurance from NZ’s leading insurers, and list them on one page for you to easily see your options.
Find the best motorcycle insurance in NZ
Glimp makes it easy for you to compare the benefits and offers. You may already have an idea on the kind of motorcycle insurance that you want; and we’re here to assist you in making that final decision.
Get your tailored results
We cut out all the unnecessary fluff and get straight to the point, just the way you want! Our comparison tool is 100% free, simple to use and easily accessible. We understand the need to be precise when it comes to finding the right motorcycle insurance online. You simply need to answer a few questions, and we will provide results - from the cheapest options to specific policy features.
Motorcycle Insurance FAQ
Got questions before purchasing motorcycle insurance? Ask away! See our FAQ question and have your questions answered.
Motorcycle insurance generally depends on the market value of your bike. Providers will also consider your age, credit history, and driving record, to name a few factors. Although motorcycle insurance costs less than car insurance, computing the values is done in a similar way.
While the motorcycle itself may be cheap in market value, the motorcycle insurance may cost high due to repairs and parts replacement, along with extended coverages recommended by the provider.
Motorcycle insurance, like car insurance, also costs a fair bit because motorbike damages and accidents happen often. For example, NC motorcycle insurance can charge anywhere from $100 to $1,000 per year.
Motorcycle insurance providers can offer cover for as little as one day at a time. This is favorable for riders who borrow motorcycles for a specific time frame, and who are looking for cheaper options. Temporary motorcycle insurance functions to insure riders on a short-term basis. Providers also offer flexible options such as the best travel insurance with motorcycle cover and seasonal motorcycle insurance.
Motorcycles that have been written-off have to undergo different processes before a provider makes a decision. Repairs and parts replacement, if necessary, are taken into consideration. However, generally, providers do not have direct motorcycle insurance write offs for sale.
Why compare motorcycle insurance with glimp?
We save you time & money
Glimp works in the fast-lane. You can get results on the best insurance deals in just a few minutes.
Best place to compare insurance
We are a trusted comparison site that has helped thousands of Kiwis.
Compare motorcycle insurance online for free
The best things in life are free, and this is a feature that we are proud of! Glimp helps you to compare and to switch providers without charging you a penny.
Types of motorcycle insurance we compare
Comprehensive motorcycle insurance covers a range of damages such as accidental damage, vandalism or theft. This also includes the damages that you cause to other vehicles or property. Extra features include cover for riding gear or personal property, legal liability, and towing costs. This type of motorcycle insurance is ideal when your motorcycle is new.
This kind of insurance covers the damages and losses that your motorcycle causes to another party. Generally, it can also include the transportation and repair on the third party’s damaged property.
This type is similar to third party motorcycle insurance. It covers damages to another party’s property, but also includes damages caused by fire or theft. Various providers today, such as Star Insurance Motorcycle, offer comprehensive, third party, and third party fire and theft options.
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