Broadband Speed Test NZ - Check Your Internet Speed

Our broadband speed test lets you check your internet connection's download and upload speeds in seconds! Try it Now!

Why Perform a Broadband Speed Test?

An internet speed test helps you make sure you're getting the most out of your money! Since internet speed can change over time, you might be getting slower internet than what you're paying for.

It could also be a problem with your local connection, router, or connected devices. A speed test can help you identify and troubleshoot the issue.

Speed tests also let you compare your internet speed to others in your area.

Reading the Internet Speed Test

When testing your broadband connection, you will get a few speed test results that tell you whether you have high-speed or slow internet. You can use the download speed, upload speed, ping, and jitter reading to gauge your internet performance.

For the most accurate results, connect your computer directly to your modem or router via an ethernet cable because ethernet cables have less interference than WiFi modems. After that, click "GO," and you'll see the following readings:

Download Speed

Download speeds refer to the speed it takes to load content from the internet onto your device.

For example, if you're opening images, streaming Netflix, receiving texts, or browsing online, you're using your download speed.

Download speeds are typically more important when judging your broadband connection. The higher your download speed, the better.

The average download speed in New Zealand is 110Mbps, but it depends on your broadband plan and the connections available in your area.

Upload Speed

The upload speed is how fast you can send data or files from your laptop or home network to the internet.

For example, uploading your picture to Facebook or backing up your data online would use your upload speed. Upload is also essential for video conferencing and live streaming.

The average upload speed in New Zealand is 70Mbps, depending on your broadband provider and connection.

Ping (Latency)

Ping or latency refers to the time your device takes to send a signal to an internet server and receive a response. It's simply how well your computer communicates with the internet or how responsive it is. In other words, it measures quality rather than speed.

The smaller the latency of your internet connection, the better. For example, SpaceX became a global success when they found a way to minimize the ping of their Starlink Satellite Internet, making it much faster and more responsive than other satellite broadband.

You'll notice latency's importance when playing multiplayer online games. If it feels laggy, chances are the ping is high.


Jitter refers to how consistently data transfers between your computer and the internet. If you're on a video call and you notice the audio or video starts to cut up, this could be because the data transfer was interrupted or delayed. In other words, the jitter was high.

This is usually due to network congestion, especially if you have multiple devices connected to your WiFi modem.

The smaller the jitter number, the more consistent and reliable your internet is.

Also, remember that a jitter greater than 50 msec could indicate poor signal quality from your ISP (internet service provider). In that case, you might want to consider other NZ broadband providers.

What Broadband Speed Do You Need?

The broadband speed you need depends on the number of people in your household and the type of online activities you perform. 

Here's a quick breakdown of how many Mbps you need:

  • Up to 25 Mbps: This is usually sufficient for a one or two-person household where you mainly surf the web, send emails, do some social networking, and watch HD-quality videos online
  • 50 to 100 Mbps: For 3-5 devices connected simultaneously, online gaming, and streaming 4K videos online
  • More than 100 Mbps: Ideal for businesses or 5+ person households, heavy multiplayer online gaming, downloading large files quickly, and most online activities

Type of Broadband Plan

New Zealand's internet providers offer various broadband plans, including ADSL/VDSL, fibre, wireless, and landline internet plans.

If you're looking for higher speeds, you should stick to fibre broadband plans, but first, check if you can get fibre at your address.

If you live in rural areas with limited copper and fibre connections, you might be better off with Satellite Broadband or Rural Internet Plans. They're not as fast as fibre, but they'll give you consistent, reliable connections in difficult-to-reach areas.

If you decide to go with wireless broadband options, make sure to test the network coverage in your area. Also, go with a no-contract broadband plan to cancel anytime, without exit fees, if you experience poor network coverage.

You can compare broadband offers and deals using Glimp's comprehensive broadband tool.

Why Use Glimp to Test Your Broadband Speed

Our internet speed checker uses Ookla, a trusted world-class broadband speed test that does over 5 million tests per day.

It'll help you make an informed decision on whether to stay or switch to another broadband provider.