Yes. Co-operative Bank term deposits are accessible on your phone. Simply prepare an identification card like an NZ passport or an NZ-registered driver’s license and install the Co-operative Bank Mobile App to get started. If you’re an existing customer, you’re also advised to create your own online account with Co-operative to access your balance and other investments with the bank. This way, it becomes efficient for you to check, deposit and request changes in just minutes.
For those with active Co-operative online accounts, you can receive your interest directly to your Co-operative account. Otherwise, Co-operative bank can pay your returns to an account at another bank of your choice.
Yes. But take note that you can get less interest upon making an early withdrawal.
No. Co-operative bank term deposits are set at $2,000 minimum or starting at $5,000 for special terms. You’re open to send in your inquiries with Co-operative through phone, email or using your Co-operative Mobile App.