Investing money with InvestNow NZ is quick and easy. Simply set-up an account to access information about your investment, including historical performance data, data fees, product disclosure statements, and more. There are plenty of options available in your account, and will even show you how big the risk you’re taking in your investment.
InvestNow NZ don’t charge any administration and transaction fees. However, fund managers may charge for management fees, in-fund costs, buy and sell spreads, and more – which may vary from manager to manager.
It’s advisable to always ask for their comprehensive breakdown of their fees to avoid getting bill shock from paying the charges that you’re not aware of.
InvestNow have an automatic debit transaction from any NZ bank account. You can also schedule regular investing both for a one-off basis and a regular investment plan, depending on your preference and needs.
For only a minimum amount of $50, you can start investing in a regular investment plan of InvestNow NZ. Ultimately, your investments are up to the market; any of your investments made through their platform aren’t guaranteed by fund managers or any other person.
InvestNow keep your money in an independent custodial account run by Adminis – a financial platform based in New Zealand – to keep the interest of the business and clients separate. In any case that InvestNow go under, they’ll notify their clients about what to expect as well as their actions to keep the investments safe.