From time to time your insurance needs or budget may change. You can apply to increase or decrease your Platinum Life Insurance Benefit at any time in line with the Minimum and Maximum Benefit Amount of your Policy, or add or remove a second Life Insured by calling Momentum Life on 0800 108 108.
If your application for any additional Benefits or increased cover is accepted by us, you will be sent a replacement Policy Schedule outlining the details of your new cover and any standard waiting periods will apply for the new Benefit(s) or Life Insured.
With Momentum Life Platinum Life Insurance you have cover 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere in the world. Please note some high risk country exclusions apply. This will be indicated on your Policy Schedule.
Yes. As the Policy Owner, you have the option to nominate a Beneficiary or Beneficiaries to receive the Platinum Life Insurance Benefit. The option to nominate a Beneficiary is subject to the completion and return of the Nomination of Beneficiaries Form to Momentum Life and to the conditions listed in the Policy Wording.
For a step by step guide to submitting a claim visit our claims page. Please remember to quote the relevant Policy Number at all times.