Yes. They invest in ETFs to expose investments to a wider range of assets at a lower cost. Compared to an actively managed fund, ETFs are more predictable. Investing in ETFs protects you from too much risk and allows your portfolio to diversify.
Are you the same as everyone else? Why should you be lumped into a generic category for your KiwiSaver when you can have a personalised portfolio built for you?
There are very few things in life where you fit nicely into one of three categories — but when it comes to KiwiSaving you’re lumped into a Growth, Balanced or Conservative fund.
kōura has over 200 different portfolios, so they can always match a portfolio to your goals and risk profile. This gives you the best chance to make the most out of your KiwiSaver.
If you want to see how kōura KiwiSaver Scheme performs against other schemes, head on over to our comparison page!
If there is an economic downturn, the value of your funds would also fall and you’d have to wait until the markets bounced back. There’s nothing to worry about when this happens as the markets experience some ups and downs and it’s a cyclical process. As long as you’re investing medium to long term, the value of your funds will reap good returns.